How To Become a Content Writer in 5 Steps

Are you looking to improve your set of skills as a writer? Learn how to tailor to trending niches, craft content that ranks, and build a thriving content writing career in 5 simple steps.  

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In this article, we discuss 5 broad steps to hop on track and become a highly sought-after content writer. 

How To Become a Content Writer in 5 Steps

Have you envisaged leaving your present job to transition to a life behind the screen as a content writer? This article provides you in a clear and articulated manner, steps to guide your content writing journey

If you want to become a content writer, understand that the world of content is booming, and skilled writers are in very high demand! This is not a career to just rush into. You must do proper research, understand why you should be a content writer, and discover ways to excel at it.

Here, we describe 5 simple steps to help you attain your dream of a successful career in content writing.

    With the present pace of technological changes, it gets even tougher to keep readers glued to articles due to reduced attention span. Some articles naturally seem boring at a scan, even when they contain much information. 

    How do you choose a supposedly interesting area to specialize your writing? More people will prefer to read stories from a travel trip than read about trends in blockchain. However, such information cannot be neglected for the audience that needs these updates. As such, how do you go about deciding on a niche that has a large reader base which translates to more job opportunities? 

    Traditional Niches 

    Some topics would never go out of the trend table as they deal with core aspects of being human and navigating the world, so they remain relevant across cultures and time. These niches address topics that people will always be interested in, regardless of current trends. Some examples of such niches are love and relationships, life, travel, personal development, health, etc.

    There’s a constant need for informative and engaging content in these areas. You can tailor your choice here if you enjoy talking about human aspects like this. 

    Emerging Niches

    While it may appear absurd to jump on emerging issues, it might just be the better option to pick. Many writers who started as marketers for local organizations have transferred those skills to Web3 marketing, thereby maximizing blockchain technology. By identifying and developing expertise in emerging niches, you can position yourself as a valuable resource for businesses and audiences looking for fresh, informative content on the cutting edge of various industries.


    Think of micro-niches as directly targeted areas within a broader topic. Consider a niche to be a big loaf of bread and a micro-niche as a tiny slice of the big loaf. Focusing on micro-niches helps you directly address the needs and interests of a well-defined group. If this is what you envisage, you can position yourself as a valuable resource for businesses and audiences to look at with interests as unique as yours.

    For example, if you want to specialize in food blogging, then you can further focus on micro-niches like vegan diets, meals for special health conditions, baby meals, etc. 

    Now that you have tailored it down to a possible niche, the next is to build a strong portfolio of articles. A portfolio is beyond a heap of articles, probably, poorly edited or unrelated to the particular position you seek to apply for as a content writer.

    If you wish to apply as a freelance writer for a Web3 project, your portfolio does not have to include a link to an article you wrote about your trip to the Bahamas. Unless they need a writer who doubles as a storyteller, it is unimportant and never advised. 

    Tips for creating a quality portfolio

    Relevant Samples

    Choose only the high-quality pieces that showcase your skills in the niche you seek. 

    Sample Formats

    Present links to your works in various formats. You may not tell if the recruiting agency wants you to write blog posts or social media content. You have to demonstrate versatility by including samples of your work in different formats. 

    Personal Projects

    Are you just starting as a writer? Put in the work and research topics in the area you seek a job offer, write on your websites, social media pages, etc, and own them! 

      Many content writers remain unseen, even when they have great ideas and write cool stuff. This shows there is more to just putting some paragraphs up in an article. Learn to strategize your content to be noticed and sought after. This is every writer’s intention– to grow a wide reader audience and make money doing so. 

      How to strategize your content:

      Keyword Research

      Understanding SEO and using relevant keywords will help your content get discovered by search engines. 

      Use of Content Planners

      Some writers articulate ideas as they come while others have a pattern they follow. While the former might seem advantageous for creative writers who pick inspiration from even the most minute things, the latter helps you ensure consistency. If you are working for clients, it is highly recommended to organize topics in your content calendar to ensure consistency and beat deadlines  

      Content Analytics

      There are online tools that will help you track your content tools. Google Analytics is one great tool that helps you track your content’s performance to understand what resonates with your audience and what needs improvement. 

        You will often find writers who prefer to have zero online audience. There could be reasons for this such as a desire to stay anonymous for security or political reasons. For some others, they do not just fancy it or they just find it overly tasking to run a social media page. What category do you fall into? Having an online presence gives you access to a range of networks. Recruiters would mostly check out your profiles, you don’t want to be found missing in the media space. 

        How to build an online presence:   

        Create Professional Profiles

        Create strong profiles on LinkedIn, content writing platforms, and relevant industry websites. This way, you make it easier for just the right people to locate you.  

        Active Social Media Engagement

        As you walk through social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, engage with industry influencers within and outside your niche, and share your content for others to engage.

        Attend Networking Events

        Beyond parties and family hangouts, mark your calendar to attend online or in-person content marketing conferences and workshops to enable you to connect with other writers, editors, and potential clients.

        Guest Blogging

        Reach out to established bloggers and offer to write guest posts to showcase your expertise and expand your reach.

        Many established writers often neglect the need to continuously learn and improve their skills. It is mostly influenced by a deep conviction about oneself even though this should not be the case. Any writer that is not upskilling, may in a few years, be lacking in certain skills which others had acquired over time from constant learning.  

        Content Marketing Trends

        In recent times, content writers have implored artificial intelligence (AI) for a range of assistance ranging from content structuring to image generation. Stay updated on the latest content marketing trends, including the rise of AI writing assistants, short-form video content, and interactive content formats. 

        Writing Skills

        Online courses are not just for beginners in the field. Even as an experienced writer, take online courses, read more blog posts in your area of specialization, and improve your flexibility with different writing styles.   

        SEO and Content Optimization

        Learn how to optimize your content for search engines to improve its visibility.

        Stay Curious

        While curiosity may put a cat in harm’s way, it sharpens content writers.  Be curious about the world around you. Read voraciously on various topics to broaden your knowledge base and generate fresh content ideas.  

        With the above steps, the only hindrance to landing that dream position is you, who is yet to practise these steps. As you navigate your world as a content writer, stay ahead of the curve and discover trends as they surface. Follow industry publications, subscribe to resourceful websites, attend webinars, and network with other content creators to stay informed about the latest trends and audience interests. This is very crucial at this time of fast growth in technological innovations. 

        Are you ready to take your writing skills to another level? Take control of that decision today.   

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