What is Introduction and how to write a compelling introduction

Learn the art of crafting engaging introductions with our comprehensive guide. Discover what makes an effective introduction, including tips on capturing your audience's attention from the start, setting the tone, and providing a clear roadmap of what to expect.

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In a world overwhelmed with information, capturing your audience’s attention from the get-go is more critical than ever. Therefore, if you are a writer who is always stranded with an opening statement or how to begin an introduction, then this article is for you.

Crafting a compelling introduction is an art, and in this article, we’ll unravel the secrets to engaging your readers right from the opening lines. First, we will help you understand the meaning of an introduction and then teach you how to write a compelling introduction for your article.

What Is An Introduction?

An introduction is simply the opening section of a written or spoken work, such as an essay, article, research paper, speech, or any other form of communication. An introduction is aimed at providing a preview or overview of the main ideas or arguments that will be presented in the body of the work. A well-crafted introduction will capture the audience’s attention, establish the context for the topic, and set the tone for the rest of the piece.

In academic and professional writing, an introduction typically includes a hook or attention-grabbing element, background information on the topic, a clear thesis statement or main purpose, and sometimes an outline of the key points that will be discussed. The idea is to engage the reader or listener and encourage them to continue reading or listening with interest. In addition to appealing to readers and helping them to anticipate tone and substance, the opening passage can also help readers to anticipate the structure of what will follow.

However, in general contexts, introductions may vary in style and structure, but the common thread is the intention to provide a strong and compelling beginning that draws the audience in and prepares them for the content that follows. The introduction in an article plays a crucial role in shaping the reader’s experience and determining the overall success of the article.

What Is A Compelling Introduction?

A compelling introduction is the opening section of any article of writing that captivates and engages the reader or audience. It aims to draw the reader’s attention, set the tone for the rest of the content, and create interest in exploring the entire article. A well-crafted introduction can make the difference between a reader continuing to delve into the material or moving on to something else. Examples of compelling introductions can be found in various types of writing, including articles, essays, speeches, and creative works. 

Characteristics of a Compelling Introduction

Key characteristics of a compelling introduction include:

  • Relevance: It connects the topic to the reader’s interests, needs, or concerns, making it immediately relatable and interesting.
  • Clarity: It clearly communicates the main idea or purpose of the article, providing a roadmap for what the reader can expect in the main body.
  • Engagement: It employs a hook or a captivating element, such as a question, quote, anecdote, or startling fact to draw readers in and arouse their curiosity to engage further in the article.
  • Conciseness: It is concise yet informative, avoiding unnecessary details and getting straight to the point.
  • Transitional Elements: It smoothly transitions from the introduction to the main body of the content, maintaining a logical flow.
  • Tone and Style: It reflects the appropriate tone and style for the intended audience and the overall piece, whether formal, conversational, persuasive, or informative.

How to write a compelling introduction

Here are some essential tips you should look out for when writing an introduction for your article.

Start With A Hook

The introduction is the first thing readers encounter, and its role is to grab their attention immediately. A compelling hook or opening statement encourages readers to continue exploring the content. So make sure to begin your introduction with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. Make sure it’s directly related to your article’s topic.

For example, let’s say you want to write an article about Millennium Park and Garden in Abuja. You can begin your introduction like this: ‘’ In the bustling heart of Abuja, where time never seems to slow down, a hidden oasis of tranquilly awaits. Imagine a place where the urban rhythm fades away and nature’s melody takes center stage’’.

Provide Context

After the hook, your introduction should provide context explaining why the topic is relevant or important. This helps readers understand the significance of the subject matter and why it’s worth their time. Briefly explain the topic you’ll be discussing and why it’s important or relevant. This will also help the reader understand the significance of what they are about to delve into.

In an era dominated by smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity, the ability to navigate the digital landscape is not just advantageous—it’s essential.  This is a perfect example for someone writing about technology.

State The Thesis Or Purpose

Clearly state the main point or purpose of your article. This is often referred to as the thesis statement. The introduction should succinctly outline what your readers can expect to learn or gain from reading your article. It provides a clear roadmap for readers. This concise statement guides them on what to expect and helps set their expectations.

For example, you can continue your introduction by saying that this article aims to explore the benefits and importance of modern technology.

Preview The Main Points

Give a brief overview of the key points or arguments you’ll be addressing in your article. This not only provides a roadmap for your readers but also helps them understand the structure of your article. This overview helps readers understand the organization of the content and prepares them for the information to come.

For example, you can say that over the next few pages, we will delve into the history of technology, explore its current applications in various industries, and contemplate the ethical considerations surrounding its rapid advancement. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of technology and its implications for our future.

Show Relevance To The Reader

Connect your topic to the reader’s interests, needs, or concerns. Help them see why your article is relevant to them personally. This creates a sense of engagement and makes them more likely to continue reading. A clear and engaging introduction enhances the accessibility of the article. It allows readers to quickly determine if the content aligns with their interests or needs.

For example, are you tired of the endless cycle of dieting without seeing lasting results? In this article, we unravel the myths surrounding fad diets and offer a science-backed approach to achieving sustainable, long-term weight management.

Use Engaging Language

Be mindful of your language choice. Use vivid and descriptive words to paint a picture or convey emotions. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that might alienate readers.

For example, you can write something like this. Let’s take you on a journey through the vivid tapestry of ancient civilizations as we uncover the mysteries of the lost city of Kutunku. Prepare to be captivated by the architectural marvels and cultural richness that have endured the test of time.

Create A Smooth Transition

Ensure a seamless transition from your introduction to the main body of your article. The transition should be logical, and readers should feel compelled to keep reading to explore the topic further.

For example, now that we’ve glanced through the historical roots of the Industrial Revolution, let’s quickly turn to its profound societal impacts.

Consider Length

Keep your introduction concise but informative. Aim for a balance that provides enough information to captivate the reader without overwhelming them. Generally, introductions are around 5–10% of the total word count.

Revise And Polish

Once you’ve written your introduction, revisit and revise it. Check for clarity, coherence, and effectiveness. Ask yourself if the introduction accomplishes its goal of drawing the reader in. Ultimately, a compelling introduction motivates readers to continue reading. By creating interest and anticipation, it minimizes the likelihood of readers abandoning the article prematurely.

Seek Feedback

Share your introduction with others and gather feedback. Different perspectives can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your introduction resonates with a diverse audience.

For example, I invite you to share your thoughts on the ideas presented in this introduction. Your feedback is invaluable as we embark on this exploration of innovative solutions


Introduction serves as a critical gateway, drawing readers into the article and shaping their expectations. It’s an opportunity for the writer to make a compelling first impression and lay the foundation for a successful engagement with the audience. 

Crafting a compelling introduction often involves a combination of creativity, clarity, and an understanding of the audience’s expectations. Bear in mind that a compelling introduction sets the stage for the rest of your article, making it more likely that readers will stay engaged and continue reading. Always tailor your approach to the specific audience and tone appropriate for your article. A well-written introduction lets your reader know what you are going to be writing about. 

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