How to Write Your First Book: A Guide For New Authors

How to Write Your First Book: A Guide For New Authors
If you're a new author, then you're in the right place for practical steps for writing your first book. Overcome common challenges and gain confidence with our comprehensive guide for new authors.

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Hey there, bestseller! Just so you know, you have to write your first book, scared!

Don’t know about you, but writing a book is no small task, especially for first-time authors. There are many challenges, such as self-doubt, fear of failure, writer’s block, and time management.

You’re not alone! Surveys show that of 97% of people who begin a novel, only a small fraction of those aspiring authors finish their manuscripts and get them published. If you’re here, you might just be one.

But don’t worry; here’s a step-by-step guide to provide clarity, guide you through the writing journey, boost your confidence, improve your writing and keep you motivated. If you take it one step at a time, I see that book as a bestseller.

What to Consider Before Writing a Book?

Let’s be real and consider some important things before you start writing your book. Trust me, you want to know these tips to make your writing journey smoother.

  1. Why do you want to write a book?

Why did you pick up the paper in the first place? What’s been nagging at you, and you can’t help but write it? Is it to share a personal story, educate others, or establish yourself as an expert in a particular field? 

Knowing your purpose will keep you motivated and focused throughout the writing process because there will be a strong nudge in your heart to fulfill the purpose for which you started writing. 

For example, if your goal is to inspire others with your life experiences, that purpose will guide your writing and keep you going when the going gets tough.

  1. Who are you writing for?

Next, think about who your readers will be. Are you writing for young adults, professionals, parents, or maybe a niche group like fantasy enthusiasts? 

Understanding your audience helps you tailor your content to their interests and needs. It also influences your writing style, tone, and even the complexity of your language. Create a reader persona and write as if you’re speaking directly to them.

  1. What genre will your book fall into?

Deciding on the genre of your book is crucial. Are you writing a mystery novel, a self-help guide, or a science fiction adventure? Each genre has its expectations. So, knowing where your book fits will help you meet your readers’ expectations and make it more marketable.

  1. What’s the market?

Before you start writing, doing some research is a good idea. Look at other books in your genre and see what’s already out there. What are the bestsellers? What do readers love about them? 

This will give you insights into what works and doesn’t and help you find a unique angle for your book. Plus, understanding the competition can help you position your book more effectively when it’s time to market it.

  1. Are you ready to commit the time and effort required?

Writing a book is a big commitment. It takes time, effort, and a lot of perseverance. Ask yourself if you can dedicate the necessary hours to writing, revising, and editing your manuscript. It’s also important to consider how you’ll balance writing with other responsibilities.

How to Write Your First Book

If you’ve considered the points before writing your first book, you’re better prepared to start your writing journey with a clear sense of purpose and direction. Hop on; let’s get you started with these secret tips to writing your first story

Start with a book idea you love 

First things first, you need a book idea that you’re passionate about. Writing a book is a journey, and if you’re not in love with your ideas, it’s going to be tough to stay motivated. 

  • Think about what excites you. 
  • What stories do you want to tell?
  • What knowledge do you want to share? 
  • Who’s going to read your book?

When your first book is something you love, your passion drives you to keep writing even when it seems impossible to add even another word. Your passion keeps you going when the going gets tough.

If you’re unable to find that YOUnique story, consider generating several plots through a plot generator to get the ball rolling! Something might jump at you that sparks an idea for your book. 

Research top books in your genre

Writing your first book demands all the research you can spare. Read top books in your chosen genre. This will help you understand what other writers are doing in your genre. 

Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. What do readers love about these books? What keeps them turning the pages? Go out of your way to provide new or unconventional ideas to write a book that keeps your audience glued.

Research on Amazon Best Sellers to determine the most popular books in your genre. Understand the competition and stay ahead. If you want your book to succeed, you’ll have to compete with these bestsellers. 

Outline your story

Think of this as creating a roadmap for your book. It doesn’t have to be super detailed, but having a clear structure will guide you when the blocks come. Trust me, they’ll come.

How do you break through those blocks? 

First, choose an outline format that clearly speaks to you. When you’ve done this, get in bed with your character. They’re in your head, but how real do you make them? Next, have a beginning, middle and end of your story.

Break down your story into chapters. Further, nibble these into paragraphs. This will keep your ideas organized and flowing smoothly from beginning to end. Remember, there’s no perfect outline, so don’t try to fit in everything! 

Craft your opening sentence.

This is your chance to hook readers and make them want to keep reading. If you do this wrongly, you’ve probably lost them before you got them. 

Your first sentence could be a powerful statement, an intriguing question, or a vivid description. Whatever you choose must have a strong hook that grabs attention and sets the tone for your book. Take a look at these opening lines; 

“It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.” – 1984 by George Orwell

“My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.” – The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

“Here is a small fact: You are going to die.” – The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

What’s unique about these lines is that they hook! 

There are infinite ways how to start a sentence for your first book. You have to try out different opening sentences, to set the stage perfectly.

Write the first draft.

Now comes the fun part. The common idea is to write the perfect first draft. Hell no! Your first draft is all about getting your ideas down. You can always polish it later. But there’s a tricky part. 

Don’t aim to fill spaces; you want your book to have substance. How can you do that? 

  • Focus on your plot, characters, conflicts and themes. Weave each into every sentence.
  • Every sentence must either reveal a character or advance the action.
  • Maintain a fast pace. Keep the events of your story sequential to keep readers glued.

Set a schedule with SMART goals

Image via FutureLearn

Creating a writing routine is essential. It’s easy to box yourself in with a lot of plans and ideas or procrastinate and stay lax. That’s why you need to set a schedule with SMART goals and follow through.

Here’s an example of setting SMART goals for writing your first book:

Specific: Write a 120,000-word Sci-Fi book titled “x”


– Write 2,000 words per week

– Complete 4 chapters monthly (approx. 8,000 words)

– Reach 30,000 words by the end of the third month 

– Finish the first draft within 9 months


– Write for 2 hours every morning, Monday to Friday

– Set aside 4 hours on Saturdays for editing and research


– Aligns with your goal of becoming a published author

– Helps you develop a consistent writing habit


– Start writing on September 1st

– Complete the first draft by May 31st

– Edit and revise the manuscript by August 31st

– Publish the book by November 30th

Find what works for you and stick to it. Consistency is key to making steady progress. Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember, it’s not more important than your mental health!

Leverage a “distraction-free” writing software.

There are lots of writing tools out there designed to keep you focused. Look for distraction-free writing software that minimizes interruptions. Some popular options include Scrivener, FocusWriter, and Ulysses. Find one that suits your style and helps you stay productive.

Also, avoid distractions yourself by keeping your devices on DND and/or focus mode. You can also make use of some time management techniques;

  • Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused 25-minute increments, followed by a 5-minute break.
  • Time blocking: Schedule fixed, uninterrupted blocks of time for tasks.
  • Eisenhower Matrix: Identify and tackle high-priority tasks first.
  • Avoid multitasking: Focus on a single task to maintain quality and efficiency.

Remember, the key is to find a technique that works for you and stick to it consistently. 

Finish Your draft

You come a long way pushing through to complete your first draft. This is a major milestone. It means you’re one step closer to your goal, so take your flowers! You may encounter some challenges at this point but here’s how to overcome them.

Problem 1: Writer’s Block:

  • Take a break and come back to your manuscript with fresh eyes.
  • Change your writing environment or try writing at a different time of day.

Problem 2: Self-Doubt

  • Remind yourself why you started writing your book in the first place.
  • Celebrate your progress and accomplishments so far.
  • Share your work with a trusted friend or writing group to get feedback and encouragement.

Problem 3: Perfectionism

  • Remember that your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect.
  • Focus on getting the story down, rather than perfecting your writing.

Problem 4: Burnout

  • Take breaks and practice self-care.
  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones.

Keep pushing forward, and remember that writing a book takes time, effort, and dedication. You got this!

Edit the manuscript

Once your draft is done, it’s time to revise and refine. Editing is where you polish your work and make it shine. Look for inconsistencies, tighten up your prose, and make sure your story flows smoothly. 

It’s important to get feedback from others to help you refine your work. Start by sharing a few chapters at a time with friends and fellow writers. Ask for their honest opinions and suggestions, and apply their feedback.

For instance, if a friend points out that a character is acting inconsistently in a particular scene, take a closer look at that character’s actions and motivations throughout the entire book.

Write the Second Draft

After your initial edits, write the second draft. This is your chance to make further improvements and really hone your manuscript. Pay attention to details, the entire story and make sure everything is as good as it can be.

Publish Your Book for Readers to Buy

You’ve gone through the rigorous process and now you’ve completed your book. Now, it’s time to publish. Remember those things you needed to consider before writing; audience and market? Now it’s time to put them into perspective.

Explore various publishing options, whether it’s traditional publishing, self-publishing, or something in between. Get your book out there for readers to enjoy. You’ve worked hard, and now it’s time to share your creation with the world.

Start Scared

Write scared! Write clueless! 

Writing your first book might seem impossible, but with the right approach, it’s absolutely achievable. 

We’ve tackled some of the biggest challenges that new authors face. By following these steps outlined in this guide, you can overcome these obstacles and make your dream of becoming a published author a reality.

Now, it’s time to take the next step in your writing journey. If you’re still feeling uncertain, allow our team of professional writers to set you straight. Start writing, stay committed, and keep pushing forward. You’ve got this!

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